Transforming Educational Futures Workshop 2nd Ed.


Three Horizons for Social and Planetary Health

Join us for a 75-minute virtual workshop creating space for new educational paradigms
May 8/9, 2023 from 4:30-5:45PM PST
Registration is free & required on Zoom with the link below

As Zachary Stein writes in Education is the Metacrisis, “If we don’t solve the problem of education, none of the other problems can get solved. Absent education, only temporary solutions exist.” Post-secondary institutions have a unique role to play in influencing narratives and cultivating students to make intentional change. Schools often work upstream of entrenched mental models and worldviews. Yet the dominant present’s capture on possible futures is palpable in most change conversations. The subject line reads innovation, but the body copy translates into business-as-usual. This workshop will inquire into how we educate our way out of the polycrisis, and what stands between education-as-usual and transformational educational futures.




This experience is ideal for you if this list ticks a number of personal boxes:

  1. You are committed to transforming educational futures from within post-secondary institutions, K-12 education, and other learning modalities

  2. You are invested in transforming education to bring forward alternative futures 

  3. You feel like you are living between the worlds of the dominant paradigm and true alternatives

  4. You are interested in connecting with other colleagues around the globe leading change

  5. You are curious to explore group-based modalities for futures work

What should I expect from the experience?

This workshop will centre on how we simultaneously hold multiple states of change in parallel:

  1. Sitting with the dominant paradigm to intentionally discern what should be carried forward and what should be hospiced and allowed to die well; and 

  2. Creating the space, dialogues, and imaginations about alternative futures that represent a paradigmatic shift from the status quo.

We will use Three Horizons (Bill Sharpe, International Futures Forum) as the framework for our discussion. We’ll mix personal reflection and group discussions to build the capacity to see beyond a one-dimensional view of time to instead see multiple dimensions—revealing hidden realities and expanded possibilities. The Solvable team will share some of our learnings from transformation initiatives with post-secondary institutions and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Comments from recent participants:

“In a career spent helping people achieve educational and workplace success, this is some of the most rewarding work I have done.”

“I now find myself more aligned with a sense of purpose & meaning, and more clear about my path forward, educating & empowering the next generation of leaders & changemakers.”

Have additional questions?

Please email our team

Harvests from april 5th:

To see all the harvests from the April 5th workshop, please click here and scroll to the bottom.