WE invite you.

Below you will find myriad possibilities our team is committed to bringing into this world. Each is in a different stage of gestation. We share these works in progress not just as a preview into what our team senses needs to be born, but more importantly as an open invitation to organizations and individuals who feel called to partner on pathways to alternative futures. As Peter Block writes, “invitation is not only a step in bringing people together but also a fundamental way of being in community. It manifests the willingness to live in a collaborative way.”

New Works Series Three


We are currently concepting our third New Works series on the topic of Transition Leadership. Concurrently resistance movements are working to shepherd transition into new paradigms. There are differing theories of change about how to bring forth these transitions. Movements and theories of change rarely intersect despite commonalities in what they are resisting and the change they are inviting. New Works Transitions will create spaces for both the theoreticians of change and the activists fighting for that change. If you are an author writing about transition movements, a leader of one of these transition movements, or a director creating films about transition, please reach out to us. Scheduled to begin May 2024.




The culture of “uncare” is at the root of our current systemic crises: COVID-19, the climate emergency, systemic racism, social inequality, and ecosystem collapse (Sally Weintrobe). Uncare is not a natural condition for humans nor one shared by all cultures. Rather it is a systemic and cultivated condition in neoliberal economies that enrolls participation in an immoral project of exploitation, extraction, and consumption. 

In partnership with the Common Good Collective, we are developing a far-reaching program to cultivate a culture of care through open dialogues, masterclasses, and learning journeys with leading thinkers and practitioners across systems. This program is an invitation to decolonize our minds & hearts by cultivating the capacity for systemic care in government, business, civil society, and communities.

If your work centres on creating a culture of care, please reach out to us.